Sunday, April 18, 2010

Template Behaviour Report

Read 20 numbers and determine the highest and lowest

This exercise if very interesting, and has some tricks to work. RRecuerda
in programming in general, whether in C, C + +, Pascal, HTML, Java, PHP and other , the logic is an indispensable factor.

The title of the year are as follows:
Read 20 numbers and find the highest and lowest value of the readings.
For this exercise, I use a CYCLE FOR to read the 20 data that the user must enter, and within the same cycle, ANIDARÉ a couple of conditions to determine the highest and lowest number of values \u200b\u200bthat are entered.

  # include \u0026lt;iostream.h>  

int i, major, minor, a;

int main (void )

{court \u0026lt;\u0026lt;"Welcome \\ nPlease enter 20 numbers and the program will determine the highest and lowest "\u0026lt;\u0026lt;endl \u0026lt;\u0026lt;endl;
minor = 99999999;
higher = -999;
for (a = 1, a \u0026lt;= 20; a + +) {

court \u0026lt;\u0026lt;"Enter number" \u0026lt;\u0026lt;endl;
cin>> i;
if (i> largest) {

largest = i;}

if (i \u0026lt;low) {

minor = i;}

} court \u0026lt;\u0026lt;"The largest number entered is" \u0026lt;\u0026lt;largest \u0026lt;\u0026lt;endl;
court \u0026lt;\u0026lt;"The smaller number entered is "\u0026lt;\u0026lt;lowest \u0026lt;\u0026lt;endl;
system (" pause ");
return 0;}
This exercise can be done certainly prettier, but hey, here's the trick to work:

At first, I declare the major and minor numbers with presets, the largest , a very "small" within the set of real numbers, and the lowest , on the contrary, a very " large "; all this, so that with each iteration of the loop, assuming that the user does not enter exorbitant figures, both values \u200b\u200bare correctly allocated the largest and the child. year


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