Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lose Inches With Cermic Wrap


Webmin is a web interface for Linux System Administration (Unix). Using any browser you can configure user accounts, Apache, DNS, computer shutdown, file sharing, etc. It also eliminates the need to manually edit configuration files (such as
/ etc / passwd

) and allows us to handle the system from the device itself or remotely.
Webmin is written in Perl and runs as its own process as your web server so no need to have installed Apache web server or any other, but coexist with them. By default it communicates through TCP port 10,000, and can be configured to use SSL. That's how we're going to install in this example, SSL.
Installing Webmin can do it both in the Desktop version and the Server. In this case, I did it on Ubuntu Server 4.9 but it would be exactly the same for the Desktop version.

The steps to install Webmin on Ubuntu are:

update information repositories (essential before installing any application):
sudo aptitude update

installed a series of packages that we need to install Webmin and that is configured with SSL:

sudo aptitude install perl libnet-perl openssl-ssleay libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl-perl libmd5

We make sure our home

: cd
unloaded the latest version of Webmin
(the 1,480 in this case).

webmin-logo wget install Webmin:

sudo dpkg-i webmin_1.480_all.deb

Once installed you can access the Webmin web interface using a browser and typing the IP address of the computer is installed followed by the port is listening, by default, 10,000. Of course, we must be vigilant because instead of using the HTTP protocol, use the HTTPS. In my case the IP of my Ubuntu Server is http

  1. : / /

    : 10000

  2. good and ready, in theory only have to set the language to see things in Castilian and ready.
  3. A good practice is to put everything behind a firewall estrus at any port route we assign to our IP address to port 10000 that especially if we manage our server from a remote access. This application when installed creates a superuser to manage the application with root name and pass our user who has root on the machine. As default the Ubuntu root account is disabled will have to change the root password for Webmin:

  4. $ sudo / usr / share / webmin / / etc / webmin root nueva_clave

  5. is now accessible

    pointing your browser to https: / / localhost: 10000 . and you will see the Webmin login screen. Log in as root and as the password you put as nueva_clave above and click login to access the Webmin main screen.

  6. I hope you learn


Models And Genital Tattoos

aptitude and apt-get

Although we can install programs graphically, we can always use the console to install any software. Many users this option may seem a bit more complicated and somewhat cryptic. Nothing is further from reality, once you get used much more comfortable, quick and easy. There are two ways to install programs in text mode: with aptitude and apt-get .

Both programs are very similar, except for one detail: aptitude recalled units have been applied in the installation of a package. This means that if you install or upgrade an application with aptitude and then want to uninstall, delete the program aptitude along with all its dependencies (unless they are used by other packages). If installed with apt-get or Synaptic GUI, the uninstallation will erase only the specified package, but no dependencies. Use
  • install packages:

    $ sudo aptitude install

  • Remove Packages:
  • $ sudo aptitude remove

    Uninstall packages (including configuration files): $ sudo aptitude remove - purge

  • Update list of available packages:

    $ sudo aptitude update

    $ sudo aptitude upgrade

    Get a list of command options: $ sudo aptitude


     To install packages from the command line you can also use apt-get, although it is preferable to use aptitude for handling dependencies.  

    Lungs Cancer Chracter

    Convert RPM to Deb

     Some GNU / Linux such as Red Hat, SUSE and Mandriva, use packages. Rpm, organized differently from packets. Deb for Debian and Ubuntu.  
    To install these packages must be converted before the format. Deb. For this application uses alien
      , which can be installed using one of the methods discussed in this article. The application
    • alien used as follows:
     From the console execute the following command: $ sudo alien  
    • rpm Thus, the program creates a file with the name of the package, but with extension . deb that can be installed following the explanation
      In most cases, from personal experience, these packets are converted without major complications, but I must clarify that not all opportunities are converted, so it is always best to find the package for Debian / Ubuntu before trying to convert an RPM.
    • I hope they serve

    Stars And Genital Tattoos

    Add / Remove programs and packages in Ubuntu

    do not know if I told you before, I use Ubuntu, the truth seems safe, simple and above all easy to maintain, but without arguing or going into detail on how I tilt for this distro, I'm straight to the point of this entry, add or remove programs from our facility.
  • If we have a package. Deb that you want to install:
     o install these packages you just have to 
    double click on the file in the browser and automatically starts the application gdebi, which will deal with installing the package and search for dependencies on other packages that could need for proper installation. If you prefer, you can also install via the command line, using the command dpkg . Deb In this case there will also be possible to manually install the package dependencies.
    : Imagen:Nota idea.png $ sudo dpkg-i
    The same command can also be used to uninstall the package:

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    How Fast For Bugatti In Quarter Mile


    What Doesit Mean To Have Pain Under The Jaw


    Nausea After Touching Throat

    know the free space and disk busy

    Let's see ... I do not like those people who say that Linux can not do that either, it is very difficult ... nothing at all, are vague ....

    not matter, I'm leaving here are simple commands but useful.

     With these simple commands can know how much space you have free or busy on the disk:  

    df: Displays disk space
    du-u file1 ... ficheroN

    : Displays the total holding files

    du-s directory : Displays the space occupied by the directory

    If these commands will also add the parameter "-h
    " quantities will in a format easy to read (gigabyte, megabyte , etc.) taking into account the figure.

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Brother Status Offline